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Q4 2021 Appreciation Campaign

Important Dates


Campaign Overview

Offer Details

As a token of appreciation, select Travel Rewards and Centra Gold credit cardholders will be awarded bonus reward points for the loyalty and trust they've shown to their respective credit union's card. Personalized letters will be sent to select cardholders to provide them with more information on the offer.


Select Travel Rewards Gold and Centra Gold accounts will receive a “thank you” gift of varying bonus reward points based on their annual spend. The bonus points will range from 500 – 1,500 points.


Last 12 Months Spends / Account

Bonus Points

Greater than $20,000


Between $12,500 to $19,999


Between $4,300 to $12,499


The value proposition and the benefits of the card will be reinforced in the DM letter to encourage continued usage.

Credit union staff card accounts will also receive “thank you” bonus reward points, should they meet qualifying annual spend criteria.

Action Required

The Creative Proofs & Member Lists will be ready and posted to Zift for your review on Friday October 1st. Once available, please login to Zift to activate the campaign and approve the following:

1. Creative Proofs - Please indicate approval and take note of card images, card names, your credit union logo and name listed on the creative.

2. Live Proofs - Please ensure all requested changes during Creative Proof stage have been completed and executed

3. Final Member Lists - Please provide approval and advise which members on list should be removed from DM letter. French indication will be provided.

Note: We will include a walkthrough (in PDF document) on the approval process on Zift. In addition we will be having a couple live sessions where we will be able to assist in the approval process. A communication will be sent out regarding these sessions.


1. Friday October 1st - Campaign Info, DM Creative & Member Lists Posted to Zift

2. Friday October 15th - Creative Proof & Member List Approval Due

3. Friday November 5th - Live Proof and Final Member List Approval Due

4. November 29th - December 10th - Personalized Letter Sent to Cardholders

5. February 2022 - Eligible Cardholder Accounts Credited with Bonus Reward Points

Once the creative proofs are ready for approval, you will receive a notification from us through Zift. As this is an appreciation campaign directed at existing accounts, Collabria will be providing the member lists.

If you do not wish to participate in this campaign, there will be no action required on your part as we will take your inactivity on Zift as your intention to opt out.


 All Centra Gold/ Travel Rewards Gold cardholders must be in good standing; with the ability to make purchases on the account.

Campaign Assets

The following marketing asset will be provided in English and French: 

  • Direct Mail Components - personalized letters to cardholders  

Quick Links
