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Case Study



How effective are digital Marketing Assets provided in support of marketing offers?



Collabria has routinely created and provided digital assets that can be conveniently used by partners participating in a campaign offer. We provide these in a variety of commonly used formats and imagery and make sure they can be easily placed across a broad range of communication vehicles.

Until now, there has not been any formal assessment to understand how effective these have been. We managed to take a closer look in the past few months and the following is a summary of what we uncovered.


We felt the best indicator of success is the performance of the campaign for each partner. We took the following approach:

1. Partner-Wide Audit 

We conducted an audit of all National Program partners’ use of the provided digital marketing assets. We visited each partner’s website and social networks channels (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) to see if any of our digital assets were used. 

All instances of marketing assets used between May – July 2020 were recorded, including use of the provided Collabria digital assets and the use of the partner’s own assets. This information was then compared against cardholder transaction data over the same period.

2. Analysis

We divided our study into two main groups:

1) Participating Partners

These were partners who PARTICIPATED in the Q2 Grocery Purchases campaign, by using Collabria provided digital assets or deploying their own digital assets on their websites or social media channels. 

2) Non-Participating Partners

These partners were observed to have NOT PARTICIPATED in the Q2 Grocery Purchases campaign offer through their web channels, using Collabria provided digital assets or their own creatives.

We then compared the cardholder purchase performance between these two groups.

Results (Observations)


Partner-Wide Audit 

Out of 223 National Program partners, only 28.3% (63 partners) promoted the Q2 Grocery Spend Promotion on their websites and social media using marketing assets. Partners also tended to use focal areas of their websites, such as their homepage banner carousel, to promote the offer.

Participating Partners vs Non-participating Partners

Partners who supported the offer using marketing assets saw a 15% lift in the Average Transactions per Active Account, and a 10% lift in Sales per Account with Balances, in comparison with partners who did not promote it.

Other Considerations


In addition to marketing assets on websites and social media, some partners also used an email marketing campaign to further promote the Q2 Grocery Spend Promotion. However, we have no visibility into the partners who did or did not use an email marketing campaign.

We did not examine cardholder spend for the Classic, Student and Low Rate Business cards as these are non-reward cards and as such were excluded from the Q2 Grocery Spend offer campaign.


This study concludes that the use of digital marketing assets to support current promotions enhance cardholder awareness and encourages their response to the offers. The collective group of partners, who have leveraged promotional materials, on average, saw a lift in their cardholders’ spend and transactions.

The key learning and recommendation: Deploy marketing materials and digital marketing assets in support of promotions and campaigns as they are most likely to:

  • Increase cardholder awareness
  • Place value and benefits into partners’ members or cardholders’ wallets
  • Increase engagement and deepen relationships!